In the four plus years I have interviewed Marines about the traumatic events of their lives, this interview with Cpl Matt Kiker is one of the most amazing stories I’ve ever heard.  Matt has lived through incredible trauma on multiple occasions in his life, we met at Camp Lejeune in January of 2019 when Post-Traumatic debuted there and he was in a bad place. Ten months later Matt is saving the lives of other people, he’s sober and he’s preaching Post-Traumatic Winning, most importantly he’s turned his trauma into joy.

Matt Kiker is a great example for anybody who is going through difficult times, he’s been through more than a lot — BUT HE’S USING HIS TRAUMA TO HELP OTHERS LIVE BETTER LIVES. He’s done exactly what Viktor Frankl advocates for in his book “Man’s Search for Meaning” — GIVE SUFFERING MEANING.  Awesome.

THANK YOU Matt!!!!  Thank you for the great interview and sharing your story.

Matt Kiker is a living breathing Post-Traumatic Winner.