Blog/read board
Opinions, recipes, interesting pictures and things to read & “other stuff” — you’ll find it here
GUNTALK: The M1911, .45 caliber semi-automatic pistol
The Oral History of General Graves B. Erskine, USMC (ret)
GUNTALK: Glock 19
Kathleen’s Flank Steak Marinade
Follow the Israel vs Iran fight
ASIA TIMES: How to counter China’s fortified islands in South China Sea
Xi Jinping and the “Chinese Dream”
ASIA TIMES: China ‘crosses threshold’ with missiles at South China Sea outposts
CALL TO ACTION: “Bravo! Uncommon Men, Common Valor”
FROM MISS BEA AND THE CHEF: Chicken Cordon Bleau
Korean Love Fest
STRUGGLE WELL: Thriving In The Aftermath of Trauma by Ken Falke & Josh Goldberg
Check it out here
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LtCol Ken Pipes, USMC passed away yesterday, the beloved “Skipper” of B/1/26 at Khe Sanh
LtCol Ken Pipes, USMC (ret) read more…
Montana Man’s custom dip cover…
A gift from the wife! AND… today’s snowy landscape in Montana! read more…
BROOKINGS INSTITUTE: “A modest but enduring Syria strategy for President Trump” by Ryan Crocker, Michael O’Hanlon and Pavel Baev
Click HERE to find the article. read more…
NEW YORK TIMES: ‘Whole Again’: A Vet Maimed by an I.E.D. Receives a Transplanted Penis
SECDEF MEMORANDUM FOR POTUS: Military Service by Transgender Individuals
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SYRIA – REAPING THE STORM OBAMA SOWED: an Israeli view of events in Syria (April 15, 2018)
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THE REAL REASON THE US NAVY KEEPS HITTING MERCHANT VESSELS: interviews a retired career US Navy surface warfare officer
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GUN DEATHS IN AMERICA:’s insightful look at the causes of gun violence in America
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FATAL FORCE IN AMERICA: Police Shootings in the United States
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WEST POINT: a West Point faculty member and US Army Officer has scathing comments about the declining state of West Point
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BEST THANKSGIVING COOK BOOK EVER: Cooks Illustrated “All-Time Best Thanksgiving Recipes”
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