Don’t pin your hopes on the new Chinese sanctions on North Korea: Grant Newsham

Kim Jong Un

Xi Jinping
President, PRC

Grand Newsham, our resident Pacific Rim specialist, joined us to talk about whether we should take China’s “new sanctions” seriously or whether it is the age old trick of the Chinese — big announcement and then nothing delivered?

We’ll also discuss the likelihood that Japan and/or South Korea will acquire a “first strike” capability as well as “mutually assured destruction” capabilities in order to balance the regional scale.

You can find Grant Newshams columns here, in Asia Times Online.


Grant Newsham
Japan Forum for Strategic Studies
Senior Researcher
Col USMC (ret)

Is it folly to expect China to intervene in North Korea?

What do real “sanctions” look like? 

We’ll talk about all of this with Grant Newsham, Col USMC (ret), a former intel officer and Pacific Rim expert.  WARNING:  Grant is not optimistic about the role China will play or that North Korea will cease and desist.