Things I’d Like My Son to Know Before He Goes to War: Handling Death

Will Costantini
Col USMC (ret)

Will Costantini’s Interview as part of the “Things I’d Like My Sons to Know Before they Go To War” series that Mac has produced.

Will discusses handling death in a manner that is respectful and also contributes to the unit’s ability to continue fighting.

COL DUFFY WHITE, USMC (RET):  leading 1st LAR Battalion during “the March Up” & RCT-3 in Afghanistan

COL DUFFY WHITE, USMC (RET): leading 1st LAR Battalion during “the March Up” & RCT-3 in Afghanistan

Col Duffy White, USMC command in both Iraq (1st LAR during the “March up”) and Afghanistan (RCT-3 in Helmand).  He joined ALL MARINE RADIO to discuss his leadership experiences in both theaters with an emphasis on what wins in combat.