SOMETHING I’VE NEVER HEARD: Survivors of Iwo Jima talk about what they lived through

These are the images that we associate with the Battle of Iwo Jima.  Recently, I stumbled on to interviews with Japanese survivors of the battle, something I’d never heard before.

Listen to the conditions they lived and fought in, their combat instructions, the way they treated their wounded and how they ultimately turned to barbaric behavior as their food and water ran out and they knew their end was near.

Amazing audio.  You can watch the source videos here:  Video #1,  Video #2,  and Video #3.

TODAY’S SHOW: Grant Newsham talks North Korea —- Calvin Humphrey talks being a PFC on Iwo Jima

Grant Newsham
Defense Researcher
Col, USMCR (ret)

In two GREAT interviews:

Grant Newsham, Col USMC (ret), talks the current situation in North Korea and the challenges for the United States in the region that includes South Korea, China, Taiwan and the Philippines.

Calvin Humphry, PFC USMC, who landed on Iwo Jima as a PFC talks about thehow he got to the Marine Corps, the 5th Division’s preparations for Iwo Jima on Hawaii, the landing and days of combat and then how he’s coped with it for all these years!  ONE OF THE BEST INTERVIEW ALL MARINE RADIO HAS DONE IN THE LAST YEAR!

Cal Humphry
Iwo Jima Veteran