Thursday, June 01 2017 — Hour 2: POST-TRAUMATIC GROWTH — Curtis Jones, GySgt USMC (ret)

Curtis Jones
GySgt USMC (ret)

Curtis Jones, GySgt USMC (ret), joins us to talk about leadership and his career in the Marine Corps and his problems with Post-Traumatic Stress… and how he found a better place after crossing paths with Daryl Hill who you’ve heard on ALL MARINE RADIO before.




Agnes Sure

Agnes Sure enlisted in the U.S. Navy as a nurse in 1938.  Her career took her to Pearl Harbor on December 7, 1941 and throughout the Pacific during World War II.

Listen to her fascinating story that took her from rural North Dakota to Pearl Harbor en-route to a twenty-two year career in the Navy and then time in Afghanistan with the World Health Organization.

Agnes passed away in 2015 at the age of 99.  I met her on three occasions, she was truly what makes this nation great.

FACING YOUR FEARS (Part 2): Daryl Hill

Daryl Hill
Former Major, USMC

Daryl Hill, a former USMC Major and infantry officer joins us to discuss his consulting business which focuses on helping veterans overcome Post-Traumatic Stress and live better lives — additionally, Daryl assists individuals in conquering daemons that hold them back in business.

PART 2 of 2

Marine recruit needed skin grafts to treat chemical burns suffered at boot camp, documents reveal: Dan Lamothe

Dan Lamothe
Military Reporter
Washington Post

Washington Post military reporter Dan Lamothe joins us to discuss an article he wrote based on a Freedom of Information Act request.  You can find the article here.

“The recruit’s skin was “liquefied” at the service’s storied boot camp at Parris Island, S.C., the documents said. The injuries occurred after he was ordered to perform unauthorized exercises under an upside-down laundry bin on a floor covered in bleach and required to stay in his wet pants for hours. The recruit reluctantly told another drill instructor about his burns that night, but stayed in training for a few more days. His condition deteriorated after he was told that he would not be able to graduate with his peers if he sought medical attention.”

Ultimately, the Drill Instructor was punished by a year in the brig.   Intervention by other Drill Instructors might have spared a fellow Marine and the recruit horrible experiences.


Dusty Baxley
Executive Director
Boulder Crest Retreat
US Army (ret)

Dusty Baxley is the Executive Director of Boulder Crest Retreat, a former Army Ranger and an certified Transcendental Meditation teacher; he joined us today to discuss the concept of “POST-TRAUMATIC GROWTH.”

We talk:

(1)  The one week resident program

(2) The 18 month team program

(3) The low percentage of PTSD in veterans who were imprisoned at the Hanoi Hilton during the Vietnam War, how could that be given the severity of their treatment and experience.

(4)  We talk about the origin of the term “Post-Traumatic Grow” — a term born out of the growth observed in parents of children who died after long fights with cancer.

(5)  BOULDER CREST RETREAT IS EXPANDING TO ARIZONA!  A second facility is in the works and staff is needed.  Exciting news!